Here are a few movies for the holidays that you might have forgotten all about.
Now that we're into December and the holiday season is in full swing, it's time to sit down and watch some of our favorite "holiday" movies.
We feel it's safe to say that you'll remember to watch "Elf" or "A Christmas Story" or even "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" but what about some of the movies that you might have forgotten about? That's where these movies may come in handy. Movies that you might have seen in years past and have forgotten about OR that you might not even consider a "holiday" or Christmas movie.
Here we go -
"The Ice Harvest" which came out in 2005. It's set on Christmas Eve in Wichita, Kansas. It stars John Kusack, Connie Nielsen and Randy Quaid.
"Lethal Weapon" from 1987 features a great shootout at a Christmas Tree lot, there's a family Christmas dinner and lots of seasonal reminders in the movie.
"Die Hard" from 1988! The entire movie takes place inside Nakatomi Plaza during their massive Christmas party. And if you're wondering, yes it is a Christmas movie.
"Gremlins" from 1984, takes place during the holiday season as well. As a matter of fact, the Gremlins are actually given as a Christmas present which is how they make their first appearance in the movie.
"Scrooged" which came out in 1988 starring BIll Murray as "Frank Cross" who takes over the role of "Scrooge". It's basically the same story as "A Christmas Carol" but with way more humor.
So there you go, a few movies that you might want to consider sitting down with a nice cup of hot chocolate and you're loved ones and re-watching during the most wonderful time of the year.
Of course, if you want to keep it a little more traditional you can always watch -
The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3
Miracle on 34th Street
It's a Wonderful Life
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
A Christmas Story
Home Alone
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
A Charlie Brown Christmas
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
White Christmas
The Nightmare Before Christmas